
Noah is just starting to use his words. Two weeks ago when he and Elizabeth left to visit his southern side of the family, he was just able to say "momma," "dada," "lulu" (favorite stuffed friend) and "wow." Seven days later he had words for door, keys, cheese, ball, up, grandpa, hello and phone. It is amazing and wonderful to see him express himself. I'm awestruck at how quickly he changes. Elizabeth told me this evening that he doesn't become a "toddler" until 18 months. That may be the case, but I'm not sure what it's called when I see his baby-hood quickly becoming a memory and he's only 506 days old.
It's amazing how the time flies with them too. My boy is a few days shy of 7 months and it seems like he's learning new things almost daily.
Unknown, at November 28, 2005 8:05 AM
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